Tumor Budding course
November 30th 2019
Institute of Pathology, Murtenstrasse 31, CH-Berne
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Tumor budding course November 30th, 2019 CH-Berne

Dear col­leagues, dear all

Based on the UICC TNM and the WHO clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on 2019 tumor bud­ding is an ad­di­tio­nal pro­gno­stic factor in co­lo­rec­tal cancer.

It is very likely that this pro­mi­sing mor­pho­lo­gic fea­ture needs to be re­por­ted by pa­tho­lo­gists all over the world.

The­re­fo­re I'm very plea­sed to an­noun­ce the first tumor bud­ding course in Berne, Swit­z­er­land on No­vem­ber 30th, 2019.

The main goal of this mee­ting is a sy­ste­ma­tic tumor bud­ding teaching based on 8 prac­tical cases which should sup­port the par­ti­ci­pants to de­crea­se the in­ter­ob­ser­ver va­ria­bi­li­ty.

Alt­hough, the bud­ding course is free of charge there is only a room ca­pa­ci­ty for 70 people. To attend the tumor bud­ding course a re­gi­stra­ti­on is man­da­to­ry. All re­gi­ste­red par­ti­ci­pants will get access to the vir­tu­al slides and a de­tai­led agenda.

This course will be re­war­ded by 6 CME points (4 points for at­ten­dance and 2 points for sub­mit­ing the bud­ding re­sults).

I'm loo­king for­ward to see you in Berne!

Kind re­gards

Ales­san­dro Lugli, MD

Your Contact person
Do you have any questions about the event or registration?
Please contact me.

Miryam Blass­nigg

E-mail: info@path2path.ch

Phone: +41(0)31 632 99 59

Access plan

Link for the Insel Access Map. The Institute of Pathology is number 31

Adress is : Murtenstr 31, 3008 Bern

Arrival by Train Central station Bern:

Bus number 11  (Inselspital-Holligen) . Bus stop at Perron F.

Bus stop Inselplatz to reach our Institute.

Limited parkingspace at the Inselparking

Registration (Booked out)

*-Please fill in this field


Miryam Blassnigg

Executive Assistant

Institute of Pathology

Murtenstrasse 31

CH-3008 Bern

Phone: +41(0)31 632 9959

